Live Music Events Transformer


  1. Create the XML file with the name LiveMusic.xml
  2. To upload file, click Select File, select the file then click the Upload button.
    Select File
  3. Alternatively, FTP it to this server ( saving it to the files directory
  4. Click Transform XML button to Convert
  5. Everything should pause for 20 seconds. Don't keep hitting the Transform XML button. Depending on how big the LiveMusic.xml file is, it may take longer to process than this pause. You will know by the date time stamp on the file names.
  6. You may need to reload this page to see the results. Give it another good 30 seconds before reloading if the new file doesn't appear in the list below.
  7. Be sure to right click on the link you want and download the file. This is the only way rtf files can be downloaded and the recommended way to download the html files to prevent unwanted html entities.

Last five transformations HTML format

Last five transformations ODT format

Last five transformations RTF format

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